Friday, March 20, 2009


For Future Leaders

Global Media School promotes leadership by sharpening your perception, widening your knowledge base and offering the vision to change the world. To meet the challenges of our time, we have designed three courses that could help you take off into the orbit of the media cosmos:
· Own Your Own Newspaper
· Writing to Win &
· Bestseller Writing
Leadership is all about change, replacing old ideas with innovative ones, and replacing old guards with men and women of intelligence and integrity. If you are unhappy with the political system and want to invite young people into politics, then E-newspaper is your platform. If you feel strongly about hooliganism that is rampant across the country, then E-newspaper is your platform. To be a campus leader, or a professional of global reach, or an effective educationalist or social worker, you need a platform. So Own Your Own Newspaper is tailor-made for you.
If you are cracking CAT, GMAT, TOFFLE, or Civil Service, you need the writing power to win. Even at college, you need to write well to make it to higher grade. So Writing to Win is your choice.
If you constantly dream of writing a book, then Bestseller Writing is the course recommended to you. Your book will be printed and delivered at your doorstep! Now what are you waiting for? Just read the details and script your success story.


· Design & Layout
· Reporting
· Editing
· Views & Comments
Before you become the proud media baron, you need to understand the concept of design and layout. What is not visually appealing will not sell in a competitive market. So develop an eye for beauty right from the beginning. Perfect your design by constant practice, and only a perfect product you should introduce to the market. The Design and Layout Manuel given at the end of this lesson should help you.


Reporting is representing reality in words. The world around us fascinates us and, at times, shocks us but holds curiosity and educational value. Reporters play by the rule of relevance and order in gathering news. News is what is relevant to the reader, perceived and structured in his order of interest. And there are three types of reporting:
Objective Reporting
Interpretative Reporting
Investigative Reporting
Objective Reporting aims at faithful reproduction of reality. Reality as faithfully perceived and reproduced. But human perception has its limits and communication (translation of perception into words), too, has its limits. Even the best of reporters cannot perceive and recreate reality per se, but he can recreate the nearest picture of reality. This is what the Professional Reporter (Reporter of high integrity) does and strives to do.
Comment is free but facts are sacred, said C P Scot, the former editor of Manchester Guardian. The human mind is seldom free from bias and prejudice. Knowing and containing one’s own prejudices is the formidable challenge every Professional Reporter faces. But the havoc that propagandists in the garment of reporters do to the profession is no less devastating than tsunami that rips the coastal regions.
Interpretative Reporting
It tells you the significance of what you see and hear. If there is a mutiny in Bangladesh, it will tell you what to expect – political instability, rise of fundamentalism, and even a military coup. And if Islamabad speaks in discordant voice, it will tell you Islamabad’s double-speak signals elusive peace. It is reporting tomorrow today with extraordinary insights and analytical skills. An instinctive futuristic perception is the quintessential tool of this genre of reporting.
Investigative Reporting
It exposes corruption in high places so that the society becomes more transparent and healthier to live in. Paupers who enter politics turn millionaires overnight, criminals-turned-politicians escape conviction, some bureaucrats live like czars and czarinas with their own brand of Rasputin, all before our very eyes because the Press is free only in name. Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty, and when the Press fail in its duty, democracy fails. The manifestations of a manipulated democracy – the democracy of the crooks, by the crooks, for the crooks – are visible in every nook and cranny of the country. Your newspaper could fight corruption and be globally known.


Editing is inducting style, sparkle and focus into a copy (report). A good style promotes instant understanding, built on the magic of simplicity. And the genius of an editor lies in transforming the incomprehensible into the comprehensible, the unintelligiible into the intelligible, the cacophonous into the symphonious, and the wordy jungle into a rose garden. Sparkle is the dazzling brilliance of ideas; and focus, the sharpness of presentation.
Views & Comments
Every thinking person has a viewpoint but not a comment. Comment is a viewpoint expressed succinctly, tersely, brilliantly. A viewpoint is based on the position where a person stands ideologically, culturally or emotionally. Views are seldom balanced unless the rational mind applies logic, weighs evidence and respects truth. Views could be abandoned, modified or shot to collide. Mature societies evolve a consensus but fundamentalist societies destroy not only counter-viewpoints but people who hold them. Viewpoints are the heartbeat of the media, without which they would become lifeless. The dominant viewpoint that a newspaper promotes is called its editorial policy.

Naming Your Publication

The name should stand for the personality of your publication. TIME, The Times, Fortune, The Economist and USA Today instantly communicates a message that woos the reader. Microsoft, Goggles Coke and Kingfisher are brands that appeal. Your publication, too, should have a charming name, simple, elegant and meaningful. By any stretch of imagination, a title like Graveyard, the Crook or Potbelly is unlikely to be a hit.
Design & Layout
(Text to come)

Fee Rs 10 000


Writing wins instant admiration and esteem; it empowers you to mega success. So congratulations for choosing a course that is going to change your destiny.
Nothing like doing-it-yourself for mastering the craft of writing. Through 12 assignments, we will teach you the different genre of writing, including script writing, travelogue, features and news reports.
You may have heard of Subjective Writing and Objective Writing. Subjective Writing leads to short stories, novels, plays and poems. The inner realm of impressions and emotions controls this writing. In contrast, Objective Writing lies outside of the inner realm, consisting mostly of analysis, exposition, reasoning and narration.
Analysis is breaking up and looking for the kernel, or the hidden truth. Exposition is explaining and explaining, through illustrations or examples, till it leaves not a shadow of doubt in the mind of the reader or the listener. Reasoning is the art of arguing and establishing the truth. Narration is curiosity telling, or raising the curiosity through a story, which is the art of the storyteller. Newspaper reporters often use this technique to perfection. Description is creating word pictures before the reader’s eye, while juxtaposing is placing two objects face to face to compare and contrast.


Subjective Writing
(1) Map your future (500 words)
Define your dreams, see them happening before your eyes, and describing them happening in 10 years or so. Success being a mind game must first occur in your mind and then replicated in the outside world.
(2) The story of your life (500 words)
If you cannot tell the story of your life, possibly you cannot tell anything else. Catch the drama of your life, especially your entry into this world, characterize the people you have known, tersely describe the principal events of your life, confess your love affairs, narrate the phases of your life, analyse your failures and successes, and enunciate your philosophy of life.

Objective Writing
(3) Indian democracy and accountability: In the realm of politics, business, judiciary, policing, sports, how accountable are we? Use case studies in your analysis.
(4) Global warming: who is to be blamed? The rich countries, the poor countries, the policy planners, politicians, industry, lifestyle.
(5) Happy families resemble one another, unhappy families are unhappy in their own way: Explain through illustrations (examples).
(6) Human cloning could create a Frankenstein’s monster: Phantasize a scenario where giants stalk the earth and human beings held hostage.
(7) Is genetically modified food harmful for the human body?
(8) Is India’s moon expedition (Chandrayaan) a monumental folly for a country which has thousands of villages without drinking water, schools or hospitals?
(9) Give an eye-witness account of two events that could be reported for a newspaper.
(10) Describe a city, its landscape, people, shopping malls, entertainment spots, eateries. Or bring to life a tourist spot you have visited recently.
Script writing
(11) Script a dialogue between a boy and a girl madly in love with each other in Scene I; and a suspicious mother and a daughter trying to hide the truth in Scene II; and a happy ending where the parents give permission to the couple after much persuasion in Scene III.
(12) Script a modern version of Hamlet/ Romeo and Juliet.

Fee: Rs 10,000


Everyone is the author of one book, says a famous writer. If you have a story in you, we will teach you how to write it in style and arrange a publisher for you. The ideal candidate we are looking for is someone who enjoys writing and is willing to develop an innovative style to hit the international bestseller list.
To begin with, you send us an abstract in 300 words of the book, highlighting the USP and listing the chapters. In turn, we will suggest a strategy for the book, and offer critical comments on each chapter. Once you are through, we will edit your script and send it to the publisher who turns your dream into reality.
Make sure your abstract has the 4 points:
A unique idea
Innovative presentation
Value for readers’ time
A great reading experience
A unique idea: The first test of an author is the power of his idea that can create an intellectual, professional or literary impact.
Innovative presentation: The world is looking for novelty and if your book is strikingly different, the chances of your success are much higher.
Value for readers’ time: Enrich your readers with knowledge, experiences, new ideas, a different way of looking at things, or a life-changing philosophy, and you will rise in their esteem.
A great reading experience: Your style must stimulate, grip and entertain so that at the very mention of your name, the faces of your readers are aglow.

Fee: Rs 40 000 payable in two easy installments.

At the end of the course, you will walk away with your own book! But should it exceed a hundred pages, you will bear the extra cost.

Note: Enroll now